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Hello you & Welcome to Vegan Hair by Robert Adya Sealey

This studio is solely focused on bringing positive change to the hardressing industry.

Changing what we percieve as possible without using unnecissary chemicals.

Supporting a less negative impact on this world we live in and depend on.

How will i do that ?.

Read more information on my About page.

Looking forward to service and provide you with the best care possible, for your hair and our planet.

About Us

Changing one thing at a time.

From chemical based to non chemical products.

From Animal tested to non animal tested products.

Did you know that when you put chemicals on your skin they get absorbed by your bloodstream.

This can lead to illness in the future!.

That is also why i am so focused on only using the best for you and for our planet.



Cut & Finish 30£
Short cut & Finish 25£

Skin test information:
A skin test must be done 48 hours before colour service.
The test will last 6 months from the date the test was applied.


Blowdry 25£
Extentions blowdry 35£
Dry styling 20£
Hair-Up 20-30£(per consultation)


All over colour tint 35£
Root colour tint 25£
Toner 11-22£
Balayage 75£
Full head pre-lighten 75£
Root pre-lighten 40£
Fullhead foils 75£
Half head foils 55£
T-section foils 30£


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990 Digital Street, New Forest Area, San Francisco, CA 10660